Monday 25 September 2017

Surrealism Project

For My project i decided to do a rainforest theme inside a circle of leaves

I decided to put some animals inside which are mainly drawn the most which are



how does it look like

I chose to have cool colors on the circle and inside it and warm colors on the outside so it looks more eye-catching. The snake and the lizard are both on the dry side, therefore they are on a tree. a border cuts half of the circle. Half of the circle is in a triangle pattern  and the other half is a river/ water pattern. On the water side the water is lighter and the water animals are there; the Swan and the Turtle . On the dry side the blue is slightly darker and on the water side, it is a lighter shade of blue. 

The background consists of Red fading into a pink into white into a pale yellow. The color way looks candy like and sweet while the circle is the exact opposite it is like a more wild life type color scheme and wet.